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Do you need help with an assignment or a class? There is no need to struggle alone when you can take advantage of free tutoring and academic coaching services on every campus.
Tutoring by appointment for courses other than math, English, reading, or speech. Get help with chemistry, history, psychology, engineering technology, nursing, and more! Get details on our Subject Tutoring »
The college provides online tutoring from Brainfuse to support students who need additional assistance in a course. Brainfuse helps students by connecting them with qualified eTutors, anytime, anywhere.
Our academic coaches can help you evaluate your study skills, identify your challenges, and develop strategies and skills for academic and personal success.
Find the tutoring that works for you. Click the links below to learn more about these options.
Tutoring by appointment for courses other than math, English, reading, or speech. Get help with chemistry, history, psychology, engineering technology, nursing, and more!
Drop-in and appointment tutoring for students needing assistance with math. Services include review of textbook problems, assistance with math software (learn or certify mode only), review workshops, calculator help, and more.
To schedule an appointment for any center, visit Drop-ins are welcome in the Math Center, but appointments have priority.
Drop-in and appointment tutoring for writing (any course) as well as English, reading, and speech courses. Services include paper review, help with brainstorming, grammar review, speech preparation, and more.
To schedule an appointment for any center, visit Drop-ins are welcome in the Writing Center, but appointments have priority.
Physical Sciences Tutoring
The Physical Sciences department offers tutoring for Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy.
What: Physics, Chemistry, etc.
Where: Nursing Science Bldg. 117, Room 219
Wes Adams, Department Head
(864) 250-8263